SwiftEntryKit is a presentation library for iOS. It can be used to easily display overlays within your iOS apps.
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Entries are obscured by the keyboard
#351 opened by bangjier - 1
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Previously shown normal priority entry isn't displayed after dismissal of newly shown high priority entry
#338 opened by M-I-N - 0
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17.5.1 系统不展示弹窗
#391 opened by EdwinXiang - 0
[Feature Request] Stackable Presentations
#390 opened by ssadel - 5
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Popup background color
#387 opened by EmreDenizz - 0
Privacy Manifest
#386 opened by chrs1885 - 2
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Sometimes a blank background appears during screen mirroring from iPad to MacBook Pro
#384 opened by Bharath-atheer - 3
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Is there anything else besides these?
#380 opened by phonefixnicole - 1
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#374 opened by chl-ioki - 3
Is this library still maintained?
#368 opened by wonder2011 - 1
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EKWindowProvider.displayRollbackWindow() + 157 Crash
#373 opened by chaserr - 0
Swipe down call back for bottomFloat sheet
#371 opened by kiishanbarmawala - 1
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Floating top notifications shold be scrollable
#328 opened by stherold - 2
Question: is there an option to make the image as trailing instead leading?
#365 opened by oferRounds - 0
iOS13 iOS14 devices crash somtimes v1.2.7
#364 opened by prorigorous - 0
Button width
#363 opened by NDN84 - 1
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Error when try to archive in Xcode 13
#356 opened by Desmuz - 3
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collectionView didDeselectItemAt method not call
#350 opened by JivanHuang - 0
After calling the dismiss code the application key window is still EKRootViewController.
#346 opened by RuttabHaroon - 0
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can support the activating toast?
#345 opened by tospery - 0
Add delegate callbacks to changes in the window stack
#344 opened by hbrett - 0
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Request: horizontal offset
#339 opened by tanis2000 - 1
How to set bottom spacerView color?
#336 opened by LuckyRoc - 0
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Absorb dismiss when clicked in CustomView
#332 opened by simonzwicker - 0
Eliminate the warning
#334 opened by FunnyerFeng - 0
Center text and placeholder in TextFieldContent
#333 opened by bluepixeltech - 1
Constraints are not working
#326 opened by IKorabel - 0
Entries are not visibles when using with Xcode Preview
#325 opened by skrew