
Unable to install via CocoaPod

siyao1030 opened this issue · 5 comments

I added

pod 'SwiftEntryKit', '0.1.2'

and ran pod install

I get this message every time :(

[!] Unable to find a specification for SwiftEntryKit (= 0.1.2)

Hi @siyao1030,
Thanks for the report.
What version of CocoaPods are you using? Please make sure it's 1.5.0 at least.
I'm not sure what is causing the issue, but you can try several steps to resolve it.

  1. Delete Podfile.lock
  2. Run "pod deintegrate" to remove the pods from your project.
  3. Run "pod repo update" to make sure the cache is synced.
  4. Make sure you specify in your Podfile: source '' (as the installation guide instructs)
  5. Run "pod install".

Please let me know if any of those helped,

Thanks for such quick response!

I realized there were some issues connecting to cocoaPod master, so running
pod repo remove master
pod setup
pod install
fixed it for me.

However, when I try to build, I get this build error from SwiftEntryKit.
screen shot 2018-05-10 at 1 39 07 pm

I am currently using XCode 9.2, Swift 4 and iOS 10+.

Glad it helped.
Please try '0.1.3' instead. The hashable thingy should be fixed now (Though it's weird the code compiled perfectly for me with it since it didn't have the hashValue computable property).

So the reason it didn't compile for you is that you use Swift 4.0.
Swift 4.1 added a default implementation to Hashable so it worked for me without actually implementing hashValue { get }.
I've fixed it by removing Hashable for now. It should work with swift 4.0.

Let me know if it helped you :-)

I've added support for Hashable in '0.1.4' with protocol implementation. Future versions will have a queueing feature for banners and popups to present them 1 by 1. So it is a necessary boilerplate.
You can either pod install 0.1.3 or 0.1.4 with the Hashable using any version of Xcode 9.x.y.

Let me know if it fixed it for you so I can close the current thread.

It works now! Thank you so much for your help :D