
THIS PLUGIN IS OBSOLETE! Since Impact 1.20 letterSpacing and lineSpacing properties were added for fonts. This two properties are making the same thing like my plugin and they make it better.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Since Impact 1.20 letterSpacing and lineSpacing properties were added for fonts. This two properties are making the same thing like my plugin and they make it better.

So I deleted the outlinedfont.js and this repo is here only to get the outlined font and for information.


Screen shot 1

How to use it

  1. Put the outlinedfont.png in yourmedia/ directory.
  2. In your game class:

MyGame = ig.Game.extend({
	// Load a font
	font: new ig.Font( 'media/outlinedfont.png' ),

	init: function() {
		// Here we set the properties of the font, so that it behaves like a normal one
		this.font.letterSpacing = -1;
		this.font.lineSpacing = -2;
	draw: function() {
		// Add your own drawing code here
		var x = ig.system.width/2,
			y = ig.system.height/2;
		this.font.draw( 'It Works!', x, y, ig.Font.ALIGN.CENTER );
