Academic Achievement Prediction
This repository contains a notebook that analyzes and predicts student academic achievement using the Academic Achievement Dataset from Kaggle.
Dataset Description
The dataset includes various features related to student academic achievement along with one target variable. Here's a breakdown of each column:
id: Unique identifier for each student.
Marital status: Marital status of the student (e.g., single or married).
Application mode: Mode of application (e.g., online or written).
Application order: Order of application.
Course: Course enrolled by the student.
Daytime/evening attendance: Attendance mode (daytime or evening).
Previous qualification: Previous educational qualification.
Previous qualification (grade): Grade of the previous qualification.
Nationality: Nationality of the student.
Mother's qualification: Educational qualification of the student's mother.
Father's qualification: Educational qualification of the student's father.
Mother's occupation: Occupation of the student's mother.
Father's occupation: Occupation of the student's father.
Admission grade: Grade achieved during admission.
Displaced: Whether the student is displaced or not.
Educational special needs: Whether the student has special educational needs or not.
Debtor: Whether the student has debts or not.
Tuition fees up to date: Whether the student's tuition fees are up to date or not.
Gender: Gender of the student.
Scholarship holder: Whether the student holds a scholarship or not.
Age at enrollment: Age of the student at enrollment.
International: Whether the student is international or not.
Curricular units 1st sem (credited): Number of credited curricular units in the first semester.
Curricular units 1st sem (enrolled): Number of enrolled curricular units in the first semester.
Curricular units 1st sem (evaluations): Number of evaluations in the first semester.
Curricular units 1st sem (approved): Number of approved curricular units in the first semester.
Curricular units 1st sem (grade): Average grade of curricular units in the first semester.
Curricular units 1st sem (without evaluations): Number of curricular units completed without evaluations in the first semester.
Curricular units 2nd sem (credited): Number of credited curricular units in the second semester.
Curricular units 2nd sem (enrolled): Number of enrolled curricular units in the second semester.
Curricular units 2nd sem (evaluations): Number of evaluations in the second semester.
Curricular units 2nd sem (approved): Number of approved curricular units in the second semester.
Curricular units 2nd sem (grade): Average grade of curricular units in the second semester.
Curricular units 2nd sem (without evaluations): Number of curricular units completed without evaluations in the second semester.
Unemployment rate: Unemployment rate.
Inflation rate: Inflation rate.
GDP: Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Target: Target variable indicating student achievement status.
The dataset can be found at the following link:
Project Overview
In this notebook, we use the LightGBM (LGBM) model to predict student academic achievement. The process includes:
Data preprocessing and feature engineering.
Hyperparameter tuning using grid search.
Model training and evaluation.
The final model achieved a score of 0.83209 on the test data in the Kaggle competition.