
A flexible easy to use Google Cloud Firestore API Wrapper class for Node.JS

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A flexible easy to use Google Cloud Firestore API Wrapper class for Node.JS


npm install swallowstore

import * as swallowInstance from "swallowstore";

Sample Usage

const swallowInstance = require('swallowstore');

//swallowstore initialize with firestore config
    databaseURL: "https://my-first-project.com",
    projectId: "my-first-project",

// Get all users
swallowInstance.findAll('users').then(response => {

Available Methods: findById(), findOne(), findAll(), saveAndUpdate(), paginator(), delete()

API Reference

.initialize(firebaseConfig: object)

Set collection firebase Config.


  • object firebase config setting

    //swallowstore initialize with firestore config
        databaseURL: "https://my-first-project.com",
        projectId: "my-first-project",
.findById(collectionName: string, id: string ): Promise<Document[]>

Get One document in a collection by ID.


  • id The document ID / ids The document IDs


  • A Document object or null

Sample Code:

// Get user by id 
swallowInstance.findById('users', '5ixWj00cZYDirdz9CCJd').then(response => {
    console.log("users with id '5ixWj00cZYDirdz9CCJd' detail:", response);

// Get user by ids
swallowInstance.findById('users', ['0Qq4GEfXPsc2ixvDZv8MFEcu2ek1', '0Qq4GEfXPsc2ixvDZv8MFEcu2ek1']).then(response => {
    console.log("users with ids '['0Qq4GEfXPsc2ixvDZv8MFEcu2ek1', '0Qq4GEfXPsc2ixvDZv8MFEcu2ek1']' detail:", response);
.findOne(collectionName: string, { conditions: Array<Condition> = null } ): Promise<Document[]>

Get One document in a collection by ID or by conditions.


  • conditions Array of conditions
  • id The document ID


  • A Document object or null

Sample Code:

// Get user by id
swallowInstance.findOne('users', { id: '5ixWj00cZYDirdz9CCJd' }).then(response => {
    console.log("users with id '5ixWj00cZYDirdz9CCJd' detail:", response);

// Get user by condition(s)
const conditions = {
    'where': [
        ['email', '==', 'hurlatunde@gmail.com']
        ['password', '==', 'password']

swallowInstance.findOne('users', conditions).then(response => {
    console.log("user:", response);
.saveAndUpdate(collectionName: string, data: Object, id: String ): Promise<ResultData>

Add / Update a document.


  • data A document object
  • id The document ID


  • ResultData object or null

Sample Code:

// Add a user with auto-generated ID
const userObject = {
    name: 'Kat',
    email: 'kat@email.com',
    gender: 'female'

swallowInstance.saveAndUpdate('users', userObject).then(response => {
    console.log("Add Result (auto-generated ID):", response);
// response { node_id: 'BQFNY9pQDhZOarvmoMSB' }

// Add a user with custom ID
const userObject = {
    node_id: 'BQFNY9pQDhZOarvmoMSB',
    name: 'Gary',
    email: 'gary@email.com',
    gender: 'male'

swallowInstance.saveAndUpdate('users', userObject).then(response => {
    console.log("Add Result (custom ID):", response);
// response { node_id: 'BQFNY9pQDhZOarvmoMSB' }

// Update a user with ID
swallowInstance.saveAndUpdate('users', userObject, 'BQFNY9pQDhZOarvmoMSB').then(response => {
    console.log("Updated Result:", response);
// response { node_id: 'BQFNY9pQDhZOarvmoMSB' }
.findAll(collectionName: string, { conditions: Array<Condition> = null, orderBy: Array<OrderBy> = null, limit: number = null } ): Promise<Document[]>

Get document in a collection.


  • conditions Array of conditions
  • orderBy Field name to order by
  • limit Number of documents to retrieve || default is 20


  • Array of Document object

Sample Code:

// Get all users
swallowInstance.findAll('users').then(response => {
    console.log("All users: ", response);

// Get all users by condition(s)
const conditions = {
    'where': [
        ['age', '>=', 20]
        ['likes', '>=', 200]
    'limit': 5

swallowInstance.findAll('users', conditions).then(response => {
    console.log("All users with age >= '20' & likes >= '200', limit '5':", response);
.paginator(collectionName: string): paginatorDocument{}

Get paginate document in a collection.


  • conditions Array of conditions
  • orderBy Field name to order by
  • limit Number of documents to retrieve || default is 20


  • Array of Document object

Sample Code:

// Get all users
let paginateInit;
paginateInit = swallowInstance.paginator('users');
paginateInit.params({'limit': 2, 'orderBy': 'full_name'}).then(({data}) => {
// Get the next index of user collection by condition(s)
paginateInit.next().then(({data}) => {
    console.log("next users collection: ",data);

// Get the previous index of user collection by condition(s)
paginateInit.previous().then(({data}) => {
    console.log("previous users collection: ",data);
delete(collectionName: string, id: string): Promise<ResultData>

Delete a document


  • id The document ID


  • ResultData object or null

Sample Code:

// Delete a user by ID
swallowInstance.delete('users', {'id' : 'HnjIzeysNmi4DLL2tFUJ'}).then((res) => {
    console.log("Delete Result:", result);