
Transpose input text into computer synthesized speech.

Primary LanguageHTML

Text-to-Speech App

You can impress someone of your coding prowess with this app which requires very little code.
This is a client web application developed using Parcel (a development build server). Note, a client app infers that you do not need a server to run. Parcel is just a development/build management server. YOu can elect to type the code using your editor and never bother with the npm scaffolding.

The speech pattern of this app should resemble how the speech synthesizer used by the physicist Stephen Hawking would sound if you ran it on your laptop/desktop. It sounds more humand if ran on your cell phone or other PDAs.

Ref: parcel

Getting started

  • scaffolding:
npm init -y
npm install --save-dev parcel
  • Create the following files:
  1. src/index.html

  2. src/style.css

  3. src/script.js


The parcel build command bundles and optimizes your application for production. It creates a default dist folder, then outputs neccessary code to run your application in it. By default, minification, and tree shaking and scope hoisting are enabled when using the parcel build command. It is a good idea to remove the dist, and parcel-cache folders before re-building for production. Read more

npm run build

✨ Built in 2.99s

dist/index.html            676 B    1.15s
dist/index.0a8ea8c3.css    159 B    496ms
dist/index.6a6eaf2f.js     524 B    805ms

The parcel command runs the development server.

npm run start

Server running at http://localhost:1234
✨ Built in 1.11s

Navigate to http://localhost:1234



I found that having the css and js modules on separate files fouled up the delivery. It seems to work on local machine. I leave it to you to look into webpack if you are interested to solve this issue!

Since, it is a tiny program, I elect to have a clean execution from referencing a remote html by moving contents of css and js files back into the html file. This bypasses the module referencing issue which requires a web manifest.

Run Demo

Clicking on Live demo should take you there.

Live demo

Have your own copy on local machine

You can download this code to your machine and open the index.html file in your web browser. download. Edit index.html file to further customize it for yourself.