
A web application for comparing Twitter users

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

twit off logo TwitOff

A fun web application for comparing and predicting Tweets

License: MIT


showing how twitoff works


front end, back end architecture of twitoff

Deployed App

👉 TwitOff

Usage if running local

Make sure you have Python 3.4 or higher, and git

  1. Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/hurshd0/TwitOff.git
  2. Change directory: cd TwitOff
  3. Install Pipenv: pip install pipenv, if running conda use: conda -c conda-forge install pipenv
  4. Create Virtual Environment:
    a. Install python packages need to run app: pipenv install -r requirements.txt
    b. Activate virtual environment: pipenv shell
  5. Setup App environment variable:
    a. On linux: export FLASK_APP=twitoff:APP
    b. On Windows: set FLASK_APP=twitoff:APP
  6. flask run
  7. Navigate to httpL//localhost:5000 on your browser, and have fun! 🥳


Kyle Guerrero
Front End Engineer


This app was developed based on curriculum from Lambda School, but it has major modifictations like:

  • L2 model for improved predictions
  • Responsive design via Bootstrap
  • JQuery
  • Using Flask Alembic for easy db migrations