Tangent Shop - E-commerce Web App

Tangent Shop is a Web e-commerce app built with Next14, designed to provide users with a seamless shopping experience. This project implements various features integrates fake data from [Dummy JSON].


  • Products:

    • Displays all products group by pages.
    • Each product has add to cart button
  • Cart:

    • Builded as a sidebar appears from right.
    • Has cart items with price and quantity counter
    • Show total price within the checkout button
    • Using localStorage for saving cart

Technologies Used

  • Next14: A React framework for building full-stack web applications.
  • App Router: The new Next file-system based router.
  • Storybook A frontend workshop for building UI components and pages in isolation and help on documentation
  • Unit Testing Basic use of unit testing with Jest and @testing-library/react
  • Atomic Design: A methodology for creating design systems with reusable components.
  • Plop: A code generator that automates the creation of Components, Screens, Styles and Types, Tests, Storybook saving development time and maintaining consistency.


To run Tangent Shop locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/husam287/tangent-shop-web.git
  2. Install dependencies: npm install or yarn install
  3. Start the Next development server: npm run dev


Thanks to Vercel


  • Thank you to the creators of Next14, React, and all other libraries and tools used in this project.


For any inquiries or feedback, please contact hossam.sherif.hassan@gmail.com.