
Expo React Native App

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Tangent Shop - E-commerce Mobile App

Tangent Shop is a React Native e-commerce app built with Expo, designed to provide users with a seamless shopping experience. This project implements various features integrates fake data from [Dummy JSON].



  • Displays featured products.
  • Displays wishlist products.
  • Display advertisements in an animated slider


  • Allows users to search for specific products based on keywords.
  • System is showing suggestion products within typing.
  • Support search history saving


  • Enables users to add items to their cart for purchase.
  • Each cart item has delete button
  • Minus to zero removes the item automatically
  • Using Asyncstorage for saving cart

All Products:

  • Provides a comprehensive list of all available products.
  • Can change the view [grid view, list view]
  • Can quick add more than 1 quantity with the help of a bottom sheet
  • Infinite scroll


  • Organizes products into different categories for easy navigation.
  • Each cart item has delete button
  • Minus to zero removes the item automatically
  • Using Asyncstorage for saving cart


  • Group your favorite products together.
  • Using Asyncstorage for saving products

Technologies Used

  • React Native: A JavaScript framework for building mobile applications.
  • Expo SDK 50: A set of tools and services for building and deploying React Native apps.
  • RTK Query: A powerful data fetching and caching library for React applications.
  • Expo Images: Enables the loading, displaying and cache of images within the app.
  • React Native Reanimated 2: A React Native library for building fluid and interactive animations.
  • Expo Updates: Facilitates over-the-air updates for the app, ensuring seamless updates without app store submissions.
  • Atomic Design: A methodology for creating design systems with reusable components.
  • Plop: A code generator that automates the creation of Components, Screens, Styles and Types saving development time and maintaining consistency.


To run Tangent Shop locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/husam287/tangent-shopping-cart.git
  2. Install dependencies: npm install or yarn install
  3. Start the Expo development server: npm start


Download apps

  • Android click here
  • IOS not available (need apple developer account)


  • Thank you to the creators of Expo, React Native, and all other libraries and tools used in this project.
  • This project has initiated by My Starter Template which implements some extra features that is not used in this task like (notifications, Localization, deep-linking, forms with validation and etc.)


For any inquiries or feedback, please contact hossam.sherif.hassan@gmail.com.

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