
Using SLAM Toolbox and Nav2 with ROSbot XL

Primary LanguageJustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A step-by-step guide for the ROSbot XL to map an unknown environment and navigate autonomously within it from RViz.

Repository Setup

This repository contains the Docker Compose setup for both PC and ROSbot XL. You can clone it to both PC and ROSbot XL, or use the ./sync_with_rosbot.sh script to clone it to your PC and keep it synchronized with the robot

git clone https://github.com/husarion/rosbot-xl-autonomy
cd rosbot-xl-autonomy
export ROSBOT_ADDR= # Replace with your own ROSbot's IP or Husarnet hostname
./sync_with_rosbot.sh $ROSBOT_ADDR

Flashing the ROSbot's Firmware

To flash the Micro-ROS based firmware for STM32F4 microcontroller responisble for low-level functionalities of ROSbot XL, execute in the ROSbot's shell:

docker stop rosbot-xl microros 2>/dev/null || true && \
docker run --rm -it --privileged \
--mount type=bind,source=/dev/ttyUSBDB,target=/dev/ttyUSBDB \
husarion/rosbot-xl:humble-0.8.2-20230712 \
flash-firmware.py -p /dev/ttyUSBDB

Verifying User Configuration

To ensure proper user configuration, review the content of the .env file and select the appropriate configuration (the default options should be suitable).


  • LIDAR_BAUDRATE - depend on mounted LiDAR
  • MECANUM - wheel type
  • SLAM - choose between mapping and localization modes
  • CONTROLLER - choose controller type

Choosing the Network (DDS) Config

Edit net.env file and uncomment on of the configs:




If you choose to use the VPN option, both your ROSbot XL and laptop must be connected to the same Husarnet network. If they are not, follow this guide: Connecting ROSbot and Laptop over the Internet (VPN).

I. Running on a Physical Robot


Pull and run Docker images defined in compose.yaml:

docker compose pull
docker compose up -d


You need to restart containers to switch between modes. Use following command to stop container: docker compose down.


To initiate a user interface and navigation stack based on RViz, execute these commands on your PC:

xhost +local:docker && \
docker compose -f compose.pc.yaml up

To direct the robot to explore new areas autonomously and create a map (in the slam mode) or simply to position itself within an existing map, click on the [2D Goal Pose] button in RViz. It is important to note that when switching from slam to localization mode, you should use the [2D Pose Estimate] button in RViz to inform the robot of its location on the map.

II. Simulation


The compose.sim.gazebo.yaml and compose.sim.webots.yaml files use NVIDIA Container Runtime. Make sure you have NVIDIA GPU and the NVIDIA Container Toolkit installed.


Start the containers in a new terminal:

xhost +local:docker && \
docker compose -f compose.sim.gazebo.yaml up


Start the containers in a new terminal:

xhost +local:docker && \
docker compose -f compose.sim.webots.yaml up

To direct the robot to explore new areas autonomously and create a map (in the slam mode) or simply to position itself within an existing map, click on the [2D Goal Pose] button in RViz. It is important to note that when switching from slam to localization mode, you should use the [2D Pose Estimate] button in RViz to inform the robot of its location on the map.