Unit converter

This is an basic unit converter, it converts length, volume and mass units in both way.

Live demo -> https://unit-converter-huey.netlify.app/

What I have done;

In this project, I have tested my knowledge about javascript. I have used addEventListener() method to execute a function when users click a button, function parameters and arguments, innerHTML and template strings, most importantly localStorage, I believe it is a powerful method.

I want to describe to project, there is input section at the top of the website under the title and there is convert button under the input field. Under that hero section, there are 3 output sections to write the outputs of the conversions. The output sections, from the top, length(meter/feet), volume(liters/gallons) and mass(kg/pounds) respectively. When users inputs a value, a function checks the value whether it is an integer or not, if it is an integer, it converts the value. If it is a non-integer value, it gives an alert to the users to input an integer value. Also, I have added a localStorage method to check the users localStorage if there is value. If there is value, it converts the latest value of user's.