
a multichat with features including invisibility, and kicking out users

Primary LanguageC

Multichat Client / Server Application

Authors: JANDU Harry

Compilation instructions

Begin by compiling the server with the following command

gcc -o serveur serveur.c

Then compile the client using the following command

gcc -o client client.c

Execution instructions

Begin by executing the server

./serveur [port on which to listen for incoming connections]

For example: ./serveur 6666

Then execute several times the client executable in different terminals

./client [port] [pseudo] [type] [status]

[port] - the port on which to connect

[pseudo] - the pseudo to connect with

[type] - 0 for a REGULAR user and 1 for an ADMINISTRATOR

[status] - 0 for VISIBLE and 1 for INVISIBLE


./client 6666 tom 1 0	=> Tom is an administrator with VISIBLE status

./client 6666 dick 0 0 => Dick is a regular user with VISIBLE status

./client 6666 harry 0 1 => Harry is a regular user with INVISIBLE status


/menu => shows the menu

/kick [pseudo] => removes a user, only an administrator can kick out users

/change [nouveau pseudo] => change username

/quit => quit

@[pseudo] [msg] => send a private message