
a minimal python package

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


FOSSA Status

A minimal python package.

  1. download locally
    • clone repository: git clone git@github.com:husisy/zzz233.git
    • download zip: wget xxx
    • download released package: TODO
  2. install
    • install from pypi: pip install zzz233
    • install locally: pip install .
    • (for developer) install locally: pip install ".[dev]"
    • (for documentation developer) install locally: pip install ".[doc]"
    • install from github: pip install git+https://github.com/husisy/zzz233.git
  3. uninstall pip uninstall zzz233
  4. scrips
    • run in command line: zzz233
  5. unittest: download locally
    • pytest
    • (require developer install locally) coverage pytest --cov=python/zzz233
  6. documentation
    • build locally: mkdocs serve
    • website: https://husisy.github.io/zzz233/
  7. github action (CI/CD)
    • build documentation, enable github page (select deploy from actions)
    • unittest
  8. reading material

TODO make a clear table


# a dummy example
from zzz233 import from_pickle, to_pickle
a = 233
assert from_pickle('a')==a


  1. semantic versioning link


new environment

micromamba create -n zzz233 python
micromamba activate zzz233

pip install .
# pip install -e ".[dev]"
mkdocs serve

publish to pypi

# cleanup the branch and tag the latest commit with a valid version
# otherwise the build will fail
rm -rf ./dist
pip install build
python -m build

# testpypi
# setup testpypi apikey $HOME/.pypirc (the username is "__token__")
twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
# --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/
pip uninstall zzz233
pip install --upgrade -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ zzz233

# pypi
# --repository-url https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/


FOSSA Status