
Personal playbook for setting up or installing software on a fresh Ubuntu virtual machine.


Personal playbook for setting up or installing software on a fresh Ubuntu virtual machine (VM). Using Virtual Box as hypervisor and the standard Ubuntu desktop install. This is just my personal preference to get started, your requirements may differ so follow at your own risk.

Update all packages and snaps

sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade
sudo snap refresh

Enable firewall

sudo ufw enable

Installing Virtual Box Guest Additions

sudo apt install build-essential dkms

Then on VirtualBox go to "Devices > Insert Guest Additions CD Image". Run the installation script as follows:

sudo /media/<user>/VBox_GAs_7.0.12/VBoxLinuxAdditions.run

Once installed unmount the disk by "Devices > Optical Drives > Remove Disk From Virtual Drive..."

Enable dark mode and disable screen timeout

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme 'Yaru-dark'
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.session idle-delay 0

Media and audio playback

sudo apt install ffmpeg

Now shutdown the VM and go to the machine settings in Virtual Box. Navigate to "Audio > Audio Controller" and change it to "Intel HD Audio". Start the VM again.

Install favourite packages and snaps

sudo snap install code --classic && sudo snap install sublime-text --classic
sudo apt install git flameshot vim cherrytree

Update the favourite pinned apps:

gsettings set org.gnome.shell favorite-apps "['firefox_firefox.desktop', 'org.gnome.Nautilus.desktop', 'code_code.desktop', 'cherrytree.desktop', 'org.flameshot.Flameshot.desktop', 'sublime-text_subl.desktop']"