
A python program that applies a choice of nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) algorithms to a dataset for clustering.

Primary LanguagePython

Nonnegative Matrix Factorization

NMF is a python program that applies a choice of nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) algorithms to a dataset for clustering.
Currently, this program supports

  • Multiplicative Updates (MU)1
  • Alternating Least Squares (ALS)2
  • Alternating Nonnegative Least Squares with Active Set (ANLS - AS)3


Experimental results with abcnews-date-test.csv's headline_text
Multiplicative Updates (MU):

Alternating Least Squares (ALS):

How to Run

  • Usage: main.py [-h] -f FILENAME -c COL_NAME -m {sklearn,all,als,anls,mu} [-d DATA_FRAC] [-r RANDOM_SAMPLE] [-n NUM_MAX_FEATURE] [-s CLUSTER_SIZE] [-k NUM_CLUSTERS] [-i NUM_ITERS] [-p PRINT_ENABLED]

  • Required arguments:

    • -f FILENAME, --filename FILENAME
      the input file name
    • -c COL_NAME, --col_name COL_NAME
      the column of the input csv file for nonnegative matrix factorization.
    • -m {sklearn,all,als,anls_as,mu}, --method {sklearn,all,als,anls_as,mu}
      the NMF method to apply
  • Optional arguments:

    • -h, --help
      show this help message and exit
    • -d DATA_FRAC, --data_frac DATA_FRAC
      the amount of the data to be used
    • -r RANDOM_SAMPLE, --random_sample RANDOM_SAMPLE
      if set False, disables random sampling of the data
    • -n NUM_MAX_FEATURE, --num_max_feature NUM_MAX_FEATURE
      the maximum number of features to be discovered in the dataset
    • -s CLUSTER_SIZE, --cluster_size CLUSTER_SIZE
      the number of features in each cluster
    • -k NUM_CLUSTERS, --num_clusters NUM_CLUSTERS
      the number of clusters to be discovered
    • -i NUM_ITERS, --num_iters NUM_ITERS
      the number of iterations to run a NMF algorithm
    • -p PRINT_ENABLED, --print_enabled PRINT_ENABLED
      if ture, output print statements


Algorithms for Non-negative Matrix Factorizations by D. Lee and H. Seung,
Algorithms and applications for approximate nonnegative matrix factorization by M. Berry,
Non-negative Matrix Factorization Based on Alternating Non-negativity Constrained Least Squares and ActiveSet Method by H. Kim and H. Park,
Fast Nonnegative Matrix Factorization: An Active-Set-Like Method and Comparisons,