“Talk is cheap. Show me the code.” ~ Linus Torvalds:thought_balloon:


🐱‍💻 Library UMS

📌 Library UMS is a command-line interface (CLI) application that provides functionality for managing books and user accounts in a library.

🏷️ Features

Member Menu

  1. Borrow a Book: Allows a library member to borrow a book.
  2. Return a Book: Allows a library member to return a borrowed book.
  3. Display Borrowed Book: Displays the list of books currently borrowed by the member.
  4. Logout: Logs out the library member.

Admin Menu

  1. Add a Book: Enables an administrator to add a new book to the library.
  2. Remove a Book: Allows an administrator to remove a book from the library.
  3. Display Book List: Displays the list of all available books in the library.
  4. Logout: Logs out the administrator.


  • Borrow Book Menu: Provides options for borrowing a book, going back to the member menu, or logging out.
  • Return Book Menu: Provides options for returning a book, going back to the member menu, or logging out.
  • Display Borrowed Book Menu: Provides options for displaying borrowed books, going back to the member menu, or exiting.
  • Add Book Menu: Provides options for adding a book, going back to the admin menu, or logging out.
  • Remove Book Menu: Provides options for removing a book, going back to the admin menu, or logging out.
  • Display Book List Menu: Provides options for displaying the book list, going back to the admin menu, or exiting.

🏷️ Usage

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine or download the source code.
  2. import the library_team database to your local, name the database exacly same with the sql file (library_team) or you can change the source code.
  3. Open a terminal/command prompt and navigate to the project directory.
  4. make sure you already run apache and mysql in XAMPP.
  5. Run the following command to start the application:
    python main.py
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions to navigate through the menu and use the available options.


Enjoy managing books and user accounts in a library with ease using this interactive CLI application, Library UMS!

🏷️ Requirements

🏷️ Contributing

Contributions to this project are welcome. If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please open an issue or submit a pull request.

🏷️ Acknowledgements

The Library UMS CLI application is developed by letdummy. Special thanks to Ichisnn for their valuable contributions.