File Statistics Calculator

This Go program calculates various statistics of numbers stored in a file.


  • Go 1.13 or higher


To run the program, provide a file name as an argument when executing the compiled binary.

$ go run main.go <file_name>


The program calculates the following statistics:

  • Average: Calculates the average of the numbers in the file.
  • Median: Calculates the median of the numbers in the file.
  • Variance: Calculates the variance of the numbers in the file.
  • Standard Deviation: Calculates the standard deviation of the numbers in the file.

Implementation Details

The program reads the file line by line and performs the necessary calculations using the provided functions.

findAverage(fileName string) (int, error)

Calculates the average of the numbers in the file.

findMedian(fileName string) (int, error)

Calculates the median of the numbers in the file.

findVariance(fileName string) (int, error)

Calculates the variance of the numbers in the file.

findStandardDeviation(fileName string) (int, error)

Calculates the standard deviation of the numbers in the file.

calculateMean(numbers []float64) float64

Calculates the mean (average) of a list of numbers.

Error Handling

If any errors occur during file reading or calculations, the program returns an error message.


Suppose we have a file named numbers.txt with the following contents:


To calculate the statistics of the numbers in this file, we can run the program as follows:

$ ./file-statistics-calculator numbers.txt

The program will output:

Average: 4
Median: 4
Variance: 6
Standard Deviation: 2


This program is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.