Nukleus Fullstack Audition

The purpose of this repository is to demonstrate and implement simple inventory management system.

The live site can be visited at

For simplicity, the UI is quite basic and minimal, hence don't expect any fancy UX or animation.

Tech stack being used:

  1. Flask (Python 3) for backend
  2. Vue 3 (Typescript) for frontend
  3. Bootstrap CSS
  4. SQLite for database


The source code is consists of 2 parts:

  1. Backend
    • Located at folder backend-python
    • For simplicity, all logic and database migration is written in
    • To run the backend, ensure you already installed Python 3 and above, pip and have virtualenv installed in your machine
    • Assuming you are using UNIX environment, inside backend-python, run python -m venv to install virtualenv
    • Run source venv/bin/activate to activate virtualenv
    • Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install required library
    • Run flask db:seed for first time database migration and data population
    • Run python -m flask run --host=localhost --port=5000. The backend server will be running at http://localhost:5000
    • For testing, the code is located at It can be run by pytest
  2. Frontend
    • Located at folder frontend-vue
    • To run the frontend, ensure you already installed node version 20 and yarn
    • Install required dependency by running yarn install
    • Run yarn run dev --port=3000. The frontend can be browsed at http://localhost:3000


The application consists of 3 pages:

  1. /inventory page

    • This is a main page of the application. It has 3 components; add inventory, search inventory and list of inventory
    • Add inventory will be displayed if user role has create permission, while list of inventory will display data if user role has view permission
  2. /inventory/{inventoryId} page

    • This is inventory details page, where user can update the product. It will show the form if user role has view permission, and product can be updated or deleted if user has update and delete permission respectively
  3. /roles page

    • This is roles page, where user can add a new role, and list of all roles available with its permissions
  4. To switch role, simply click one of the role at top right. The page will be reflected according to its permission