C++20 Reflection Library
"Mkanta" is a Dynamic Reflection
library for C++20 only with a header!
Header Include Only mkanta.hpp
struct Test
void func() { std::cout << "Hello, Mkanta! Func" << std::endl; }
static void staticFunc() { std::cout << "Hello, Mkanta! Static Func" << std::endl; }
std::string member = "member";
inline static std::string staticMember = "static member";
int main()
using mkanta::reflect;
// reflection member func
if (auto func = reflect<Test>::find<void(Test::*)()>("func")) {
Test a;
// reflection static member func
if (auto sfunc = reflect<Test>::find<void(*)()>("staticFunc")) {
// reflection static member obj
if (auto mem = reflect<Test>::find<std::string Test::*>("member")) {
Test a;
std::cout << (a.*mem) << std::endl;
// reflection member
if (auto smem = reflect<Test>::find<std::string*>("staticMember")) {
std::cout << *smem << std::endl;
struct Test
static void func(int a) { std::cout << a << std::endl; }
int main()
using mkanta::reflect;
if (auto func = reflect<Test>::find<void(*)(int)>("func")) {
if (auto func = reflect<>::find<void(*)(int)>("Test::func")) {
You can resolve function overloads by explicit the type.
struct Test
[[REFLECTION(func, void(Test::*)(int))]]
void func(int a) { std::cout << a << std::endl; }
[[REFLECTION(func, void(Test::*)(int, int))]]
void func(int a, int b) { std::cout << a * b << std::endl; }
[[REFLECTION(func, void(Test::*)(double))]]
void func(double a) { std::cout << a << std::endl; }