Make a Pulse Secure VPN available as SSH jumphost and SOCKS5 proxy.
Note: This is merely a last resort if openconncet and openconnect-sso don't work for you.
Create a Pulse Secure connections file.
{"connName": "Example Inc.", "baseUrl": "", "preferredCert": ""}
{"connName": "My Organization", "baseUrl": "", "preferredCert": ""}
Start both containers.
docker run --name pulse-client --detach --device /dev/net/tun --cap-add net_admin --cap-add sys_admin --ip --volume ~/.config/pulse-secure/connections.txt:/data/.pulse_secure/pulse/.pulse_Connections.txt --volume /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --env DISPLAY --env "USER_ID=$(id -u)" --env "GROUP_ID=$(id -g)" dadevel/pulse-secure-client:latest
docker run --name pulse-proxy --detach --network container:pulse-client dadevel/openssh-proxy:latest
Adapt your SSH configuration.
Host pulse-proxy
User proxy
DynamicForward 6789
ForwardAgent yes
AddKeysToAgent yes
User git
ProxyJump pulse-proxy
Git LFS can make use of the proxy established by SSH.
git config http.proxy socks5://
git config https.proxy socks5://
I recommend Firefox with FoxyProxy to view websites trough the proxy.
If your experiencing connection problems check the logs.
docker logs -f pulse-client
docker logs -f pulse-proxy
Pulse Secure mails you a download link to their Debian/Ubuntu package after you filled out this form with some random data.
Once downloaded move the *.deb
file to ./pulse-secure-client/pulse.deb
docker build -t dadevel/pulse-secure-client ./pulse-secure-client/
docker build -t dadevel/openssh-proxy ./openssh-proxy/