[WIP] Single-Family Loan Performance

Dataset is derived from Fannie Mae’s Single-Family Loan Performance Data with all rights reserved by Fannie Mae and made available here by RAPIDS team.

Example Results

Here are preliminary results on M1 SoC across one year and two year dataset variants:

id name run_date total_time_process total_time_cpu max_memory_usage incremental_memory_usage power_mW cpu_mJ dram_energy_sum datadir db
0 summary 20/02/2023 22:17:15 1.7020075409673154 3.375095 333.140625 164.25 12412.0 15240 337 oneyear duckdb
1 summary 20/02/2023 22:17:20 3.9095819171052426 10.747104 5862.703125 719.53125 6795.0 23351 2186 oneyear polars
2 summary 20/02/2023 22:17:25 3.9357682089321315 18.247276999999997 1408.171875 352.703125 15384.0 52811 1078 twoyear duckdb
3 summary 20/02/2023 22:17:51 26.165474832989275 56.67650499999999 7933.53125 -662.390625 5309.0 136470 16505 twoyear polars

Prepare Data

The following script will download the data and parse it into parquet files

❯ python prepare.py --help
Usage: prepare.py [OPTIONS]

  --with-id-as-float64 / --without-id-as-float64
                                  [default: without-id-as-float64]
  --years [1|2|4|8|16|17]         Number of years of fannie mae data to
                                  download  [default: 1]
  --datadir TEXT                  directory to download the data
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


❯ python run.py --help
Usage: run.py [OPTIONS]
  --powermetrics / --no-powermetrics
                                  Flag to get cpu and power metrics on OSX
                                  [default: no-powermetrics]
  --threads TEXT                  comma seperated list of threads to run e.g.
                                  2,4,8  [default: 8]
  --datadir TEXT                  [default: data]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.