
Quarto Extension for Asciinema Player

Primary LanguageCSS

Quarto Asciinema Player Extension


Spice up your Quarto docs with Asciinema recordings using a simple shortcode. Perfect for making your tutorials and demos pop!


Add the extension to your Quarto project:

quarto add hussainsultan/quarto-asciinema


  • recPath: Path to the recording.
  • cols: Terminal width (default: 80).
  • rows: Terminal height (default: 24).
  • autoPlay: Start automatically (true/false).
  • speed: Playback speed (default: 1).
  • theme: Terminal color theme (asciinema, tango, solarized-dark, dracula).
  • poster: Preview frame (npt:1:23).
  • fit: Sizing (width, height, both, none).
  • controls: Show controls (true, false, auto).

Refer to the upstream docs for the complete and up to date list of options.


title: "Asciinema Example"

## Heading

{{< asciinema "./demo.cast" cols="80" rows="15" autoPlay="true" speed="4" theme="dracula" poster="npt:1:23" >}}


MIT License. Hack away!