
A Python program to convert a PDF to text

Primary LanguagePython


A Python program to convert a PDF to text

Table of Contents

What is this?

This program takes a PDF input and can output the text to the console for copying, .txt files, or .md files.

Why does this help?

If you need to type the text from a PDF, this program may not be perfect, but formatting something that is close to the PDF is faster (and better in my opinion) than typing out the whole PDF.


git clone https://github.com/hussein-esmail7/pdf2text
cd pdf2text/
pip install requirements.txt


To run this program, you will need to have Python 3 installed, and install the required libraries from pip (using requirements.txt).


python3 pdf2text.py

This program takes 0 arguments, and uses the pick library to ask for options.

Output Methods

When outputting, the program will ask if you want to print to console, save as Plain Text file, or save as Markdown file.


  • Add copy to clipboard output method
  • Add LaTeX output method


"Buy Me A Coffee"