
Table of Contents

What is this?

This program generates school notes based on the given CAT code and JSON file generated from yorku-class-scraper.


  • python3


At the moment, you can only git clone this repository, but I am hoping to put it on Homebrew soon.

git clone

If you want to run this program in Terminal just by typing the program name, you would have to add an alias in your .bashrc file. If you do this, you should alias to the file. Example:

alias snotes='path/to/folder/school-notes-maker/'

Running the program

To use this program, you have to make sure you are in the correct directory.

cd school-notes-maker


Here are possible arguments you can call in Terminal:

-a, --author --> Author of the notes file (you). Example: -a "Hussein Esmail"
-c, --course-code --> Course code. Example: -c "EECS 1001"
-f, --filename --> Output file name. Example: -f "EECS1001Notes.tex"
-i, --input --> Course query.
	This can be one of 2 formats:
	1.  [Course code (2-4 letters)] [Course code number (4 numbers)] [Section (1 letter)]. Example: "EECS 1011 Z"
	2.  [CAT code (6 characters)]. Example: "Y4FZ01"
-j, --json: --> JSON file path created by yorku-class-scraper. Example: -j "../yorku-class-scraper/json/2022_fw.json"
-l, --location: --> Location of the course. Example: -l "CLH I"
-n, --credits --> Number of credits this course has. Example: -n "3"
-p, --prof --> Course professor/lecturer. Example: -p "Andrew Skelton"
-q, --quiet --> Quiet mode. Example: -q
-s, --section --> Course section. Example: -s "A" for Section A
-t, --title --> Course title. Example: -t "Introduction to Computer Science"
-y, --semester --> Course semester. Example: -y "2020F" (for Fall 2020)

Example: python3 -j "../yorku-class-scraper/json/su_2022_all.json" -i "Y4FZ01" -f "AAAA0000.tex"

Program Output

This program outputs a .tex LaTeX file. There are multiple ways of comverting this to PDF:

  1. Use an online compiler like Overleaf after the program runs.
  2. Make a script that can run right after this program if you pass the file path of it to the PATH_POST_SCRIPT variable in your config file.

Configuration File

This section is the arguments you can put into your configuration file at ~/.config/school-notes-maker/config

Entire Default Config:

author=Hussein Esmail
university=York University

Filename Output Options

  • {c}: Course department ("EECS", "ADMS", etc.)
  • {n}: Course number ("1001" from "EECS 1001")
  • {a}: Course section ("A", "B", "Z", etc.)
  • {s}: Semester ("F", "W", "Y", etc.)
  • {y}: Year ("2022", "2023", etc.) --WARNING-- Not implemented yet
  • {p}: Professor full name
  • {f}: Professor first name
  • {l}: Professor last name

⚠️ If at any point the specified field isn't available in your JSON input file, the program will not add it instead of raising an error.

Post Script

This part of the configuration file lets you run another script after the output .tex file has been created. Personally, I have this set to my program that can be found at my hussein-esmail7/sh/ repository. By default, this field is left empty.

The Python program runs whatever is in the post argument, then lastly the file name of the .tex file the program just outputted. Please do not put quotation marks in this argument even if there are spaces in your command.


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