Kafka security

Implementation of Kafka authentication and authorisation using different approaches.

Run locally

Every directory has its own compose file and scripts to test. In the compose file all services are using a network with name kafka-cluster-network which means, all other containers outside the compose file could access Kafka and Zookeeper nodes by being attached to this network. For example

docker run -it --network kafka-cluster-network confluentinc/cp-kafka:5.0.1 kafka-topics --zookeeper \ zookeeper-1:22181 --list

Setup environment variables

There are 2 environment variables need to be configured

  • export KAFKA_SSL_SECRETS_DIR=$PWD/secrets
  • export KAFKA_SASL_SCRAM_SECRETS_DIR=$PWD/sasl-scram/secrets

SSL only

To start Kafka and Zookeeper cluster configured only with SSL, you could run the script start_ssl_only_cluster.sh


Configured both Zookeeper and Kafka to use SASL/SCRAM. To run it

  • Make sure you have the SSL keystore and truststore generated and stored in the directory kafka-security-ssl-sasl/secrets
  • Run command kafka-security-ssl-sasl/start_sasl_scram_cluster.sh
  • To run console producer and consumer, you could check the commands in the file kafka-security-ssl-sasl/sasl-scram/kafka-consumers-producers.sh
  • To add any new account to connect to Kafka, you could find commands in the script file sasl-scram/add_kafka_accounts_in_zookeeper.sh
