
Get Baking! - An Interactive Web Solutions module assignment made with React.js, React Bootstrap and Bootstrap 5

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Interactive Web Design

Get Baking blog of recipes made using: React.Js, React-Bootstrap and Bootstrap 5. The Recipe blog assignment. The website link: https://husszaf.github.io/getbaking/

Design documentation

In the project files there are two folders: design documentation and testing. Design documentation contains all the logo, low-fidelty, mid-fidelty and sitemap files. Testing folder contains screenshots of automated testing.

Website 404 error or blank page

If the website shows the error 404 or it shows a blank empty screen, in the URL search bar type /getbaking at the end of the URL or retype the website link https://husszaf.github.io/getbaking/. This happens because of the React Router which routes the nav links as a front end instead of changing it in the URL.