├── conf
│ └── app.conf
├── controllers
│ └── productController.go
├── main.go
├── elasticClient.go
├── models
│ └── product.go
├── kafka
│ └── consumer.go
│ └── producer.go
├── routers
│ └── router.go
│ └── routes.go
├── tests
│ └── default_test.go
└── views
└── index.tpl
##Product Info Demo
When we insert a new product into products table, our client code will publish the database insert event to Kafka server,
a consumer can listen on this event, and then update the data into elastic search server via elastic go library.
batch migrate data from database to ElasticSearch
We use Postgres SQL database: medicus_dev, pull data from products table in medicus_dev database to ElasticSearch server -
search product related data from ElasticSearch
We start with products search. At first, pull one row from products table, and insert into ElasticSearch server -
insert new data into ElasticSearch
when a new product is added in database, we insert one new data into ElasticSearch server -
update existing ElasticSearch data
After product information are changed, we also update existing ElasticSearch data
import "github.com/olivere/elastic"
Package elastic provides an interface to the Elasticsearch server
go run main.go
Our golang API side - (fetch from database)
http://localhost:8090/products/6 -
ElasticSearch server side (search from ElasticSearch server) -
ElasticSearch client side (create index / query)
go run elasticClient.go
source code: https://github.com/hustbill/ElasticSearchDemo/blob/master/elasticClient.go