:horse_racing: pixi-action is a plugin for Pixi.js to create actions and animations easily, inspired by Cocos2d-x.
- ali-masterBitex
- binchemslak
- blockchain-tech-developer
- cailvenVMLY&R
- chrysanthemumXM
- CodestarGames
- codingyu
- cursedcoderUkraine
- DacrolE.ON
- dbian
- denisfitz57
- firewordearth
- freshsidStuttgart, Germany
- hustccCN
- icefox0801Alipay
- IcemicHome
- jeremykid
- jspohrBlack Pants Studio GmbH
- kk167
- limaofeng
- nelsonvassalo
- puskurukIstanbul, Turkey
- ralyshenzhen
- rcholicex-Microsoft
- rozzzlyjsFinesse
- shinsuoChukong-Inc
- siriuswh0327Shanghai
- sjrogersImplicity
- toddyao
- trujunzhang
- veekingHainan
- wmmlx
- wymwaq
- xuCesar
- zhzpeng
- zprodevDrecom Co.,Ltd.