
:baby: ~1 Kb wrapper of window.postMessage for cross-document communication.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple wrapper of window.postMessage for cross-document communication with each other.

一个简单的 window.postMessage 封装,用于跨文档的双向数据通信。

Build Status Coverage Status npm npm gzip


  • Simple wrapper for postMessage.
  • Use it just like event emitter.
  • Event channel namespace supported.


npm i --save post-messenger

or import it by script in HTML, then get PostMessenger on window.

<script src="https://unpkg.com/post-messenger/dist/post-messenger.min.js"></script>


  • In parent document.
import PostMessenger from 'post-messenger';

// connect to iframe
const pm = PostMessenger('chat', window.iframe_name.contentWindow);

const listener = message => {

// listen the messages
pm.once('room1.*', listener);

pm.on('room1.user1', listener);
  • In iframe document.
import PostMessenger from 'post-messenger';

// connect to parent
const pm = PostMessenger('chat', window.parent);

const listener = message => {

// send messages
pm.send('room1', 'All users of room1 will received.');

pm.send('*', 'broadcast message.');

Full example can be found here, and code here.


There is only one function named PostMessenger, you can get the instance by:

// projectId: the unique id of communication.
// targetDocument: the document which you want to connect and communicate.
const pm = PostMessenger(projectId, targetContentWindow);

The instance has 4 apis.

  • pm.once(channel, listener)

Add a message listener on channel for once.

  • pm.on(channel, listener)

Add a message listener on channel.

  • pm.off([channel, listener])

Remove listener, if channel and listener are all undefined, remove all.

  • pm.send(channel, message)

Send a message to the channel.


The window.postMessage() method safely enables cross-origin communication between Window objects; e.g., between a page and a pop-up that it spawned, or between a page and an iframe embedded within it.

The communicate target can be:

  • Window.open
  • Window.opener
  • HTMLIFrameElement.contentWindow
  • Window.parent
  • Window.frames

Reference here.

