
A simple clone of Trello

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Trello Clone

This is a clone of the popular online application Trello.

Libraries/Frameworks Used

  • jQuery
  • jQuery UI
  • Backbone
  • Handlebars
  • Express
  • Jade(Pug)
  • Underscore


Click Board 1 to open the Board.

Create Lists and Cards. You can Drag and Drop Lists and Cards, and transfer Cards from one list to another. Delete Lists by clicking the 'X' in the corner of the list. Edit Card Titles by clicking the Pencil Icon.

To view details on a card, click on a card anywhere other than the pencil Icon. In the detailed view, you can Edit the title inline. You can also edit the Description.

Feel free to add comments to cards as well. Currently, comments can not be edited or deleted.

You can search for cards quickly by using the text box at the top. Results are clickable to open the detailed view. You can delete the contents of the search box quickly by pressing escape.

Installation Instructions

  1. Ensure you have Node installed on your computer by opening a Terminal(do this by using PowerShell on Windows) and typing node -v . If you do not have Node installed, you can download Node here. Follow the Instructions for your Operating System.

  2. Download the Trello Clone repository. Link

  3. Unzip the contents into your preffered directory.

  4. Open a Terminal, and navigate to the directory you unziped the contents of the download to.

  5. In the terminal, type npm install . This will install all the packages needed for Trello Clone to run.

  6. When everything is finished installing, type npm start into the terminal.

  7. Open Chrome and navigate to: localhost:3000 NOTE This web application does not display properly on Firefox and Internet Explorer. Please use Chrome.

All data created using the Trello Clone will be saved locally in the data folder of your installed directory.