
graphql api served via aws lambda for wali-ui

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Serverless GraphQL API using Lambda and DynamoDB

serverless workflow

GraphQL Lambda Server using apollo-server-lambda from Apollo.

graphql-tools and merge-graphql-schemas are used to generate the schema.

serverless-webpack is used to transform ES6 with Babel and build the lambda.


  1. Run npm install -g serverless to install serverless globally if you haven't already and follow the instructions here to configure the CLI.

  2. Initialize a new project from this template:

serverless install --url https://github.com/hustlelikeaboss/serverless-graphql-api
cd serverless-graphql-api
npm ci


Run serverless package to preview the stacks to be created.

  1. First time deployment:
# deploy to dev by default
npm run deploy
# deploy to production
npm run deploy --stage production

This will create the Lambda Function and API Gateway for GraphQL, together with two DynamoDB tables named artists and songs.Note the API endpoint down for use with the GrapiQL app below, which should be something like this: https://[YOUR_LAMBDA_ID].execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/graphql. You can always find

  1. Run the same command above after infrastructure changes made to serverless.yml.
  2. Run the script below to quickly upload code changes:
serverless deploy function -f graphql

Other useful scripts:

# invoke lambda function locally
serverless invoke local --function graphql --path lib/event.json

# invoke deployed lambda function directly
serverless invoke --function graphql --path lib/event.json

# remove deployed stack
serverless remove

Queries and Mutations

Query the GraphQL server using the GraphiQL.app. If you have Homebrew installed on OSX run

brew cask install graphiql