
Send A mail when svn posts commit

Primary LanguageJava

Send A mail when svn posts commit

what for

Send a mail when svn posts commit to your Linux SVN server.

how to use

  1. Import this project to Eclipse(Java);
  2. update config.properties, below is a template,
## send from who ?
## the password for send_from to authenticate
## host of send_from
## send_to should be separated with comma
## path of your svn project
## send mail timeout, seconds
  1. build & export to runnable jar(for example, inv.jar), and put the jar to your linux svn server(for example, your_svn_project/hooks/inv.jar);
  2. rename your_svn_project/hooks/post-commit.impl to your_svn_project/hooks/post-commit, and add something like this,
export LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8
nohup java -jar your_svn_project/hooks/inv.jar > /dev/null 2>&1 &
exit 0
  1. when svn posted commit, your will recv a mail like this,
Files Changed :
U   Documents/云平台/客户/04 千金/佛山千金实业有限公司终端安装信息表(20160612).xlsx
D   Documents/云平台/客户/04 千金/千金设备信息
A   Documents/云平台/客户/04 千金/千金设备信息.txt
A   Documents/云平台/客户/04 千金/预警报警/千金监测点阀值20160724.xls

Changed Log :

Newest version : 1442