
Deploy an Amazon Redshift Cluster in AWS using Terraform

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Deploying an Amazon Redshift Cluster in AWS with Terraform


Blog Post --> https://gmusumeci.medium.com/how-to-deploy-an-aws-redshift-cluster-using-terraform-87642b1a8640

Code creates:

  • AWS Credentials
  • Define AWS and Terraform Providers
  • Create a VPC, Subnets, and other network components
  • Create a VPC Default Security Group
  • Create an AWS IAM Role and IAM Policy
  • Create the AWS Redshift Cluster

How to use this code:

  • Update the file terraform.tfvars to adjust the code to your environment

How To deploy the code:

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Update variables to your environment
  3. Execute "terraform init"
  4. Execute "terraform apply"