
AluScanCNV2 is an R package that integrates the cross-platform CNV detection and tumor prediction function on the basis of AluScanCNV software developed in the early stage.

Primary LanguageR

AluScanCNV2: an R package for copy number variation-based cancer risk prediction


AluScanCNV2 can be installed using the install_github function in the devtools package.


CNV calling

The coverageBed tool of the BEDtools software (Quinlan and Hall, 2010) was used to calculate the depth of sequencing reads in the analysis-ready BAM file (coverageBed -hist -a 5k.bin -b output.bed > output.5k.doc). The outputted coverage file was utilized in the AluScanCNV2 package for CNV calling.

AluScanCNV2 relies on Geary-Hinkley transformation (GHT)-based comparison of the read-depth of a sequence window on the test sample with that on either a paired control sample in the case of 'paired CNV' analysis, or a reference template constructed from pooled reference samples in the case of 'unpaired CNV' analysis (Yang et al., 2014).

# Calling of paired CNV
control_doc_path <- system.file("extdata/Breast1_b.5k.doc", package = "AluScanCNV2")
tumor_doc_path <- system.file("extdata/Breast1_1.5k.doc", package = "AluScanCNV2")
pairedCNV(control.5k.doc = control_doc_path, sample.5k.doc = tumor_doc_path, window.size = "500k", output.path = "./")

# Calling of unpaired CNV
sample_doc_path <- system.file("extdata/Breast1_b.5k.doc", package = "AluScanCNV2")
unpairedCNV(sample.5k.doc = sample_doc_path, window.size = "500k", seq.method = "AluScan", output.path = "./")

Plot CNV frequency

path_to_file_1 <- system.file("extdata/Breast1_b.local.500k.unpaired.seg", package = "AluScanCNV2")
path_to_file_2 <- system.file("extdata/Breast1_1.local.500k.unpaired.seg", package = "AluScanCNV2")
p <- plotFrequency(input = c(path_to_file_1, path_to_file_2))

Identification of recurrent CNVs

alu_control <- list.files(path = 'path_to_folder_of_seg_files', full.names = TRUE)
alu_control <- seg2CNV(alu_control)
alu_control$recurrence <- alu_control$recurrence / (ncol(alu_control) - 4)

Selection of informative CNVs

recurr_cnv <- featureSelection2(nonCancerListA = alu_control, CancerListA = alu_cancer, nonCancerListB = wgs_control, CancerListB = wgs_cancer, Cri = 0.33)

Prediction of cancer-predisposition

metric <- "Accuracy"
control <- trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10)

# a) linear algorithms
fit.lda <- train(type ~ ., data = dataset, method = "lda", metric = metric, trControl = control)
# b) nonlinear algorithms
fit.cart <- train(type ~ ., data = dataset, method = "rpart", metric = metric, trControl = control)
# kNN
fit.knn <- train(type ~ ., data = dataset, method = "knn", metric = metric, trControl = control)
# c) advanced algorithms
fit.svm <- train(type ~ ., data = dataset, method = "svmRadial", metric = metric, trControl = control)
# Random Forest
fit.rf <- train(type ~ ., data = dataset, method = "rf", metric = metric, trControl = control)
# d) others
# Naive Bayes
fit.nb <- train(type ~ ., data = dataset, method = "naive_bayes", metric = metric, trControl = control)

results <- resamples(list(lda = fit.lda, cart = fit.cart, knn = fit.knn, svm = fit.svm, rf = fit.rf, nb = fit.nb))
results <- resamples(list(cart = fit.cart, knn = fit.knn, svm = fit.svm, rf = fit.rf, nb = fit.nb))

Functions of validation

# Calibration of the observed probability vs. prediction probability
p <- calPlot(model, data, class)


Quinlan, A. R. and I. M. Hall (2010). "BEDTools: a flexible suite of utilities for comparing genomic features." Bioinformatics 26(6): 841-842.

Yang, J. F., X. F. Ding, L. Chen, W. K. Mat, M. Z. Xu, J. F. Chen, J. M. Wang, L. Xu, W. S. Poon, A. Kwong, G. K. Leung, T. C. Tan, C. H. Yu, Y. B. Ke, X. Y. Xu, X. Y. Ke, R. C. Ma, J. C. Chan, W. Q. Wan, L. W. Zhang, Y. Kumar, S. Y. Tsang, S. Li, H. Y. Wang and H. Xue (2014). "Copy number variation analysis based on AluScan sequences." J. Clin. Bioinforma. 4(1): 15.