
Code for the 2021 paper "Audio-Based Fine-Grained Classroom Activity Detection with Neural Networks"

Primary LanguagePython

Reference code for the 2021 paper "Audio-Based Fine-Grained Classroom Activity Detection with Neural Networks"

While we are unable to release pretrained weights or data, we hope for this repository to help resolve any ambiguity found in the paper when reimplementing our experiments.

Code Flow

Models are defined in models.py and trained with train.py. Training will save checkpoints for models at the best F1, mAP, Accuracy and the end of the most recent epoch. Trained model checkpoints are passed to predict.py which runs the model on in sequential windows over an entire 60-90 minute class session then stiches those together into a single long sequence and pickles the results. The pickled results are fed to eval.py to generate metrics, PR-curves and confusion matricies, contributions.py to generate Figure 4 from the paper, or trace.py to generate the trace in Figure 1.

The pickled results outputted by predict.py may also be fed to any of the scripts under post_processing/ to generate the results referenced in III-B. These scripts will all output in the same format as predict.py and may be fed to any of the prior mentioned evaluation scripts.


All packages are available via pip or conda exception for pase which can be installed from here. Reference envrionment.yml for specific versions.

  • hmmlearn
  • librosa
  • matplotlib
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • pase
  • plotly
  • pyannote-core
  • pytorch
  • scipy
  • sklearn
  • tqdm
  • wandb
