A basic crawler solution developed in c# that allows massive collection of job posting information from indeed.com
- Parallel Data Processing
- Xpath Based Matching
- Big Data Compatible
Please note : This solution is best used with our Hadoop Map Reduce application to get matching rates for different candidates feel free to checkout the link below ,
To build the project please use Microsoft Visual Studio 2012
Example Output
51fd9dcf-f890-46b2-9af1-79a9b3056656-Junior Developer : Noblis Danville VA Deploying and monitoring software Junior developers will be guided by senior developers and mentors to ensure familiarity and growth with relevant tool stacks 51 tick-636244758401993259
Hope you find this solution useful 👍
- General Optimizations
- Separate input for candidate and job postings
- Unit Testing
- Add more cool features .