
Show last song playing on last.fm

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


##installation Upload the directory "nowplaying" on your webserver running PHP 5 (or higher). Then edit lastfm.php – it's easy as 1-2-3!

##compatibility ###Server PHP 5 or higher. ###Client Works best with Safari or Google Chrome. WebKit recommended for best user-experience. HTML5 notifications currently only running on Safari.

##copyright There's a picture included called 'festival.jpg'. I made the picture and allow you to use it in #nowplaying however you want but I would like you not to use it in a commercial way or mail me if you want to do so. Thank you! See additional information in the LICENSE file.

##preview HTML5 Notifications in Safari

HTML5 Notifications (Safari)

Preview Preview (Chrome on Mac OS X)

Preview Preview (Safari on Mac OS X)

Preview Fullscreen WebApp on iPad 2

Preview WebApp on Homescreen (iOS 7)

Visit my website for a live preview.

##API I added an API file (api.php) for those who want to fetch their currently playing song easily. It supports three return formats, you can toggle them by using the mode parameter. e.g.: http://nowplaying.your-website.com/api.php?mode=xml. ####JSON URL: /api.php?mode=json

				"title": "Test The Limits",
				"artist": "The Ghost Inside",
				"album": "Get What You Give",
				"coverUrl": "http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/300x300/77027328.png"

####XML URL: /api.php?mode=xml

	<title>Test The Limits</title>
	<artist>The Ghost Inside</artist>
	<album>Get What You Give</album>

####TXT URL: /api.php?mode=txt

now playing: Test The Limits by The Ghost Inside took from Get What You Give

##FAQ ####Why does it take so long to refresh? It gets the new meta information (song, album, artist, cover) every 4 seconds (the background refreshes every 5 seconds) to save the lastfm API from getting overloaded. It's also more reliable when it takes longer. You can change it in index.html if you know, what you're doing. ####How can I change the period of the top artists statistics? Change $periodin lastfm.php to either overall, 7day, 1month, 3month, 6month or 12month. ####I found a bug! email me!

Have fun,

Jannis @Der_Hutt