
a simple widget to display your social media follower count

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Follower count widget for Scriptable App (iOS/iPad OS)

A simple widget to display social media follower counts using simonbs' app scriptable.


  • display follower/like/subscriber count for:
    • Twitter
    • Mastodon
    • Instagram
    • Facebook
    • YouTube
  • create widgets for multiple accounts on the same platform using parameters
  • cache follower counts and use old values if there's an api error (which may happen more often, since every platform except Mastodon closed their public apis)
  • see a graph of your followers over time (in development)


daytime nighttime
Screenshot: small widgets by day Screenshot: small widgets by night
medium-sized widgets with follower graph medium-sized multi-widget and large widget with follower graph
Screenshot: medium-sized widgets with follower graph Screenshot: medium-sized multi-widget and large widget with follower graph
use parameters to display multiple accounts parameters for the widget on the top right (display twitter & override default twitter account with "aluhutt": display:twitter; twitter:aluhutt
Screenshot: multiple small twitter widgets Screenshot: multiple small twitter widget parameters


  1. install scriptable
  2. copy follower-count.js to your scriptable folder in iCloud or copy the code directly into a new script in the scriptable app
  3. fill in your preferred default usernames in the setup section in the beginning of the script


  1. create a scriptable widget on your homescreen (chosse follower-count.js)
  2. fill in parameters (optional)
  3. wait a few seconds until all data is fetched


parameters allow you to customize your widgets. they're seperated by a semicolon (; or ; ). example widget parameter strings: display:twitter, display:twitter,instagram; instagram:aluhutt.jpg, display:twitter; hidelabel:true.

prefix value(s) examples explanation
display twitter, mastodon, instagram, facebook, youtube, all, or a combination, e.g. twitter,instagram. display:twitter, display:twitter,instagram, display:all choose social network(s) to display (optional; default: all)
network name (twitter, mastodon, instagram, facebook, youtube) your username (without a leading "@") display:twitter; twitter:aluhutt, mastodon:jannis@hutt.social, display:all; mastodon:jannis@hutt.social; twitter:aluhutt overwrite username(s) (optional; overwrites default usernames in the config section below). this allows you to create widgets for different accounts on the same social media platform.
hidelabel true, false hidelabel:true, hidelabel (interpreted like hidelabel:true), hidelabel:false hide "followers" / "subscribers" label (optional; default: set in the script's setup section)



  • find "ways" (api hacks) to get data from the initial five platforms
  • create small widget that displays only one platform
  • create small widget that displays multiple platforms
  • write cache function that allows caching of followers over time (prerequisite for the graph feature)
  • create medium-sized widget that displays only one platform + graph
  • create medium-sized widget that displays multiple platforms
  • create large-sized widget that displays only one platform + graph
  • create large-sized widget that displays multiple platforms
  • better error reporting
  • add support for more platforms (e.g. Flickr)
  • add support for more metrics than just follower counts

Known Bugs

no bug tracked yet. create an issue to let me know.