
A cross-platform debugger for Go.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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A cross-platform debugger for Go.


godebug uses source code generation to instrument your program with debugging calls. go tool cover takes a similar approach to code coverage. When you run godebug, it parses your program, instruments function calls, variable declarations, and statement lines, outputs the resulting code somewhere, and runs it. When this modified code runs, it stops at breakpoints and lets you step through the program and inspect variables.

For more detail, see the end of this README.


godebug is still very new. File an issue or send me an email if you find any rough edges:



$ go get github.com/mailgun/godebug

Getting started:

Insert a breakpoint anywhere in a source file you want to debug:

_ = "breakpoint"

If the breakpoint is in package main and you don't want to examine any imported packages, you can just run:

$ godebug run gofiles... [arguments...]

If you want to trace the program outside of the main package, list the packages to trace in the -instrument flag:

$ godebug run -instrument=pkg1,pkg2,pkg3 gofiles... [arguments...]

If you are debugging a test, use 'godebug test':

$ godebug test [-instrument pkgs...]

That's it!

Debugger commands:

The current commands are:

command result
h(elp) show help message
n(ext) run the next line
s(tep) run for one step
c(ontinue) run until the next breakpoint
l(ist) show the current line in context of the code around it
p(rint) [var] print a variable

The debugger will attempt to interpret any text that does not match the above commands as a variable name. If that variable exists, the debugger will print it.

How it works (more detail)

Consider this program:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello, world!")

Now let's modify it a bit:

package main

import (

func main() {
    fmt.Println(`-> fmt.Println("Hello, world!")`)
    fmt.Println("Hello, world!")

When we run this modified version, we see:

-> fmt.Println("Hello, world!")

And then the program waits for input before proceeding.

We have just implemented a debugger for the first program! It may not seem like much, but this program implements two fundamental debugger behaviors: (1) display the the current state of the program, and (2) do not proceed until instructed by the user. Furthermore, the changes we made were straightforward and easy to automate:

  • insert import statements for bufio and os, if not already present.
  • in main(), insert the statement fmt.Println(<quote next line>)
  • in main(), insert the statement bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin).Scan().

We could do exactly the same thing for any other program with a single-line main function. And it's not hard to see how to generalize this to multiple lines. This, in essence, is what godebug does. Parse source code, insert extra code that implements the behavior of a debugger for that program, output and run the result. godebug handles many more cases than this simple example and implements more interesting debugging behavior, but the principle is exactly the same.