Multilingual, Multimodal, Multidomain (M3) Model
- We are using training code Openlm and FMengine which can run on JUWELS
- The code in this repo is the M3rlin specific code, which is data loading and interleaving of embeddings and an extra mse loss.
- Clone or pip install the openlm or FMengine code directly to use for training.
- add extraction of image or embeddings form hf dataset or jsonl (jsonl is usually faster)
- test that the embedding is saved to webdataset format
- test loading embeddings and token ids in
- write the code to insert token_id into the token sequences
- embeddings should be saved in a 3D tensor (batch, embedding_id, embedding_dim) and returned
- positions are an array of 3D tensor (batch, sequence_id, column_id)
- need to add MSE loss
- confirm and test MSE loss
- Add up-projection and down-projection for embedings input and output embedding
- Add Peft and freezing base model