
Primary LanguagePython

Build Status codecov

Star Wars Challenge

This is an application which lists down star wars and their respective hyperdrives sorted in an ascending order.

Requirements for setting up the project.

  1. Python3.
  2. Flask
  3. Virtualenv.
  4. Redis. You need to install redis on your machine, then afterwards you activate it. This is the command you run on mac brew services start redis
  5. Celery. This is also needed to perform some background processes, for this project, celery is already in the requirements.txt file.
  6. Docker. For easy deployment, you have to download Docker for containerizing our application.

Installation on Mac

First clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/huxaiphaer/starwars.git

Create a .env file in the root directory and add the following :


Then, create a virtual environment and install in on Mac :

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

After activating the virtualenv, then install the necessary dependencies :

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run docker :

docker-compose up --build

After, the above command finishes and it starts celery beats, then route to http://localhost:5000/api/v1/starwars

Viola , then we can see our application routing to the api endpoint :-)

Running Tests

Running tests of the project :


Running tests with coverage :

nosetests --with-coverage


  • Lutaaya Huzaifah Idris