- 1
Program crashes no matter what
#24 opened by Corujitto - 8
Crash when loading in model
#12 opened by Ikxi1 - 1
Crash after Import/Load
#22 opened by Sn34k - 0
- 0
- 8
Blender Addon
#10 opened by fire - 3
Does not open mesh
#19 opened by JoseAurivan - 1
addon didn't show up
#20 opened by ms6rb - 5
Crashes with imported model
#17 opened by Estroyer - 1
- 1
- 0
- 2
Crash on Beta release
#14 opened by austinlele - 3
- 0
Treat each material id as a separate island
#11 opened by fire - 1
- 1
Beta 3 crash during retopology
#7 opened by BohdanLvov - 2
- 4
Crashes on Release 1.0.0-beta.1
#5 opened by BohdanLvov - 2
Crash with the particular geometry.
#4 opened by ostapblenderua - 2
marching-cube mesh test
#3 opened by andrea-i - 6
Seems stuck at remeshing?
#2 opened by AFWSI - 2