
My personal DevVM configuration and tools.

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


My personal DevVM configuration and tools. This is a lot of tools for generic modern development, it's not tuned for a particular language or environment. The repo name is a bit of a minsomer; I use this natively on a local workstation as well as on VMs. You may find it useful as well, I have made some attempt to externalize the opinionated/personalized bits to settings that can be easily modified.

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Prerequisites (OSX)

I rely on Homebrew, so it should be installed. See: https://brew.sh

Homebrew will also install the XCode command line tools if not already installed.

Prerequisites (General)

Assumes Ansible is installed, on a Linux or OSX workstation.

If ansible is not installed, try this: (Ubuntu 14.04)

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ansible

(Ubuntu 16+)

sudo apt install -y python-pip git
sudo pip install ansible


brew install ansible

Core workstation setup

  • Obtain a shell on the target machine (this install is assumed to run locally)
  • Install git (if you haven't already) sudo apt-get install git or brew install git
  • Clone this repo: git clone https://github.com/huxoll/huxoll-dev-vm.git
  • (Or, clone the repo via SSSH: git clone git@github.com:huxoll/huxoll-dev-vm.git with appropriate SSH key)
  • Change to the directory: cd huxoll-dev-vm
  • Copy the example inventory file and customize variables: cp inventory.sample inventory && vi inventory
  • Copy the example extra variables file and customize variables if you wish: cp extra_vars.yml.sample extra_vars.yml && vi extra_vars.yml
  • Run ansible-playbook -i inventory --extra-vars "@extra_vars.yml" dev-vm.yaml -K, enter your user's password when prompted so it can sudo.
  • Source your ~/.bashrc to pick up new environment settings: . ~/.bashrc

There you have it, some basic development tools on a box or virtual machine.


  • Docker support
  • Git config with some useful aliases
  • Specialized grep wrappers for searching in code (htmlgrep for HTML, pygrep for Python, jsgrep for JS, etc.)
  • Useful inputrc options (who ever wants a case sensitive file completion? Pff.)
  • tmux customizations
  • command prompt tagged with Git info
  • Interpreters for java, python, ruby, go (by default)

Target Infrastructure Platforms

  • MacOSX (only tested on 10.11-10.13)
  • Ubuntu Linux (14.04-16.10, VM or native)

Target Development Environments

  • Generic (Atom, Sublime, Git, command prompt features)
  • Node.JS
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • Golang