The data is from
For the project, all the data files are in the folder 'data'.
The objective is to visualize the Airbnb rentals available based on the following inputs
the start date (exploiting the calendar.csv file) / from june 11th 2020 to june 10th 2021
the number of people (exploiting the listings.csv file)
the maximum daily rate (listings.csv)
'superhost' only (listings.csv)
Types of use
A couple with children is looking for accommodation in Paris (could be substitude by any city available on insideairbnb)
A landlord is looking to benchmark his rentals.
Output : Data Visualisation
Table of Contents
1. Data Exploration
a) Get the inputs
b) Narrow down the 'Calendar' file with the selected date
c) Merge the 'Calendar' file with the 'Listing' file to produce the final working file
d) Apply the criteria (date, number of people, max daily rate, superhost)
2. Data Visualization with maps
Pandas, Plotly, Folium