
Printf f Groupe

Primary LanguageC

Projet printF

Table of content

What is this project



Description of the implemented option

Description of the file structure

Quick description of each function by file


What is this project

The aim of this project is to code a version based on the original printf function of the standard library stdio.h. Some functions and requirements are added to the original printf.😀


1 - Download the folder

2 - Compile all the file .c with a compiler.🥳 gcc *.c


To use the core function _printf, you can call it like the original printf, see man printf for more information.

For example:

char c = 'a';

char b = 'd';

_printf("My first string %c, my second string %c"), c, b);

OUTPUT : My first char a, my second char d

You can replace <%s> <%option> where option is any option of the man pages.💪

Description of the implemented option

👀 %c - prints a character.

%s - prints a string.

%% - prints a %.

%d, %i - prints an integer.

%o, %b - respectively print a number in octal and binary base.

%x, %X - respecively print a number in lowercase and uppercase hexadecimal base.

%u - prints an unsigned integer. %S - handles non-printable characters: \x, followed by the ASCII code value in uppercase hexadecimal.

%p - prints an address, given by a pointer variable.

%r - prints a string in reverse.

%R - prints a string in rot13 encryption

Description of the file structure


FileName Description
man_3_printf This file contain the man pages of the printf function.
holberton.h This file is the header file.
_printf.c This file contains the core function _printf.
getPrint.c This file contains the getPrint function used to find and call the needed function. It was created in order to make the code easier to read.
_put.c This file contains the _putchar and _puts functions.
printAlpha.c This file contains all the string function : printChar, printStr, printModulo.
printAlpha_2.c This file contains other string function : printReverse, printRot13, checkPrintChar, convertHexTwoChar, printS.
printBases.c This file contains all conversion functions : printAddr, printHexL, printHexU, printOctal, printBinary.
printAlpha.c This file contains all the string function : printChar, printStr, printModulo.
printNum.c This file contains all the printed number functions: printUnsigned and printInt. It also contain a converter from base 10 to a choosen base.

Quick description of each function by file


File Name Function Name Function Description
_printf.c _printf Core function used to print into the standard output a string in which we can add some option like %s, %c... which refered to the passed arguments. See usage for more information.
_put.c _putchar Function to display a character in the standard output. This function handle a buffer of size 1024 to optimize the printf function.
_puts Function to display a string in the standard output.
getPrint.c getPrint Function which will select the good function depending of the passed option (selected with eh %) in the printf function.
getFlags Function which detect the flags
printAlpha.c printChar Function used for the option %c in order to display a char.
printStr Function used for the option %s in order to display a string.
printModulo Function used for the option %% in order to display a %. This option is deprecated and is now handle if the core function _printf.
printAlpha_2.c printReverse Function used for the option %r in order to reverse a string.
printRot13 Function used for the option %R in order to encrypte a string with the rot13 encryption ( rotate of + 13 character char, for example 'a' become 'n'.
checkPrintChar This function is used with the printS function inorder to know if a char can be printed or not.
convertHexTwoChar This function is used with the printS function in order to convert a decimal number into an hexadcimale number of 2 character.
printS Function used for the option %S in order to convert any non printable characters into \x followed the ASCII code value in hexadecimal.
printBases.c printAddr Function used for the option %p to print an adress.
printHexL Function used for the option %x to convert a number in decimal to its hexadecimal value in lowercase.
printHexU Function used for the option %X to convert a number in decimal to its hexadecimal value in uppercase.
printOctal Function used for the option %o to convert a number in decimal to its octale value.
printBinary Function used for the option %b to convert a number in decimal to its binary value.
printNum.c printUnsigned Function used for the option %u to print an unsigned number.
convert Function used by all the conversion functions and the printS function, in order to convert a decimal number into a choosen bases, handle until base 16.
printInt Function used for the option %i or %d in order to print an integer.


👬 This project was created by Huy Nguyen and Olivier Guyot for Holberton school.