Micro Machine game

This game is a tribute to classic micro machine racing, utilizing Box2D for physics and SFML for graphics. It offers a mix of fun, challenge, and competitive spirit with both single and multiplayer modes.

Installation Instructions:

  1. Install SFML on Your Computer:

    • Visit the SFML website and download the version compatible with your operating system.
    • Follow the installation guide provided on their website to properly set up SFML on your system.
  2. Clone the Game from Git

  3. Set Up the Build Environment:

    • Delete the existing build folder (if any) in the cloned directory.
    • Open your terminal or command prompt.
    • Navigate to the game's root directory.
    • Run the following commands:
      mkdir build         # Creates a new build folder
      cd build            # Changes the directory to the build folder
      cmake ..            # Runs the CMake file to configure the project
      make                # Compiles and builds the game
  4. Running the Game:

    • Inside the build folder, execute ./MicroMachine to start the game.
  5. For Subsequent Builds:

    • If you make any changes to the game, or after the first build, start from step 3(d) (make) to rebuild and run the game.

How to Play:

  1. Starting the Game:

    • After building the game, a menu will appear.
    • Use the Up and Down arrow keys to choose between One Player and Two Players mode.
    • Press Enter to confirm your choice.
  2. Selecting a Map:

    • Choose your desired map using the arrow keys.
    • Press Enter to start the game.
  3. Game Controls:

    • Control your vehicle using the arrow keys (Up, Left, Right) for one player, and W, A, D keys for the second player in two-player mode.
    • Press Enter to activate your super skill.
  4. Objective and Time Limit:

    • The objective is to complete 3 laps around the track before your opponent.
    • The game has a 15-minute time limit. The session will end automatically when the time is up.


This project was developed as a group project of Aalto University ELEC-A7151 Object-oriented Programming with C++ course in 2023. The responsible teacher for the course was Yusein Ali, and the project advisor was Tuukka Himanka.

The project was developed by