
Minimal PyTorch implementation of YOLACT.

Primary LanguagePython


Minimal PyTorch implementation of Yolact:《YOLACT: Real-time Instance Segmentation》.
The original project is here.

This implementation simplified the original code, preserved the main function and made the network easy to understand.

Following instruction is based on resnet-101.

The network structure.

Example 0


PyTorch >= 1.1.
Python >= 3.6.
Other common packages.


  • Download COCO 2017 datasets, modify the paths of training and evalution datasets in data/config.py.
  • Download weights.

Yolact trained weights.

Backbone box mAP mask mAP Google Drive Baidu Cloud
Resnet50 30.25 28.04 res50_coco_800000.pth password: mksf
Resnet101 32.54 29.83 res101_coco_800000.pth password: oubr

ImageNet pre-trained weights.

Backbone Google Drive Baidu Cloud
Resnet50 resnet50-19c8e357.pth password: a6ee
Resnet101 resnet101_reducedfc.pth password: kdht


Note: this project may not support multi-GPU training well. Due to the lack of device resource, I can't check this at present.

# Train with resnet101 backbone on coco2017 with a batch size of 8 (default).
python train.py --config=res101_coco_config
# Train with resnet50 backbone on coco2017 with a batch size of 8.
python train.py --config=res50_coco_config
# Train with different batch_size (remember to set freeze_bn=True in `config.py` when the batch_size is smaller than 4).
# You might also tune the learning rate and learning rate decay by yourself.
python train.py --config=res101_coco_config --batch_size=4
# Train with different image size (anchor settings related to image size will be adjusted automatically).
python train.py --config=res101_coco_config --img_size=400
# Resume training with the latest trained model.
python train.py --config=res101_coco_config --resume latest
# Resume training with a specified model.
python train.py --config=res101_coco_config --resume latest_res101_coco_35000.pth
# Set evalution interval during training, set -1 to disable it.  
python train.py --config=res101_coco_config --val_interval 20000

Use tensorboard

tensorboard --logdir=tensorboard_log


# Evaluate on COCO val2017 (configs will be parsed according to the model name).
python eval.py --trained_model=res101_coco_800000.pth

The results should be: Example 1

# Evaluate with a specified number of images.
python eval.py --trained_model=res101_coco_800000.pth --max_num=1000
# Create a json file and then use the COCO API to evaluate the COCO detection result.
python eval.py --trained_model=res101_coco_800000.pth --cocoapi


Example 2

# To detect images, put your images to the 'images' folder, then:
python detect.py --trained_model=res101_coco_800000.pth --image images
# To detect videos, put your videos to the 'videos' folder, then:
python detect.py --trained_model=res101_coco_800000.pth --video 1.mp4
# Use --real_time to detect real-timely.
python detect.py --trained_model=res101_coco_800000.pth --video 1.mp4 --real_time
# Use --hide_mask, --hide_score, --show_lincomb and so on to get different results.
python detect.py --trained_model=res101_coco_800000.pth --image images --hide_mask

Train on PASCAL_SBD datasets

  • Download PASCAL_SBD datasets from here, modify the path of the img folder in data/config.py.
  • Then, generate a coco-style json.
python utils/pascal2coco.py
# Training.
python train.py --config=res50_pascal_config
# Evalution.
python eval.py --trained_model=res50_pascal_120000.pth

Train custom datasets

  • Install labelme
pip install labelme
  • Use labelme to label your images, only ploygons are needed. Note that different objects belong to one class need to be distinguished by '-1', '-2', ... The created json files are in the same folder with the images, leave them alone.
    Example 3
  • Prepare a 'labels.txt' like this, note that row1 and row2 are also required.
    Example 4
  • Prepare coco-style json.
python utils/labelme2coco.py your-image-and-labelme-json-path your-expected-output-folder --labels the-path-of-labels.txt
  • Edit CUSTOM_CLASSES and CUSTOM_LABEL_MAP in data/config.py.
    Example 5
    Example 6
  • Edit custom_dataset in data/config.py, modify the path as your output folder. If you need to validate, prepare the validation dataset by the same way.
  • Then train, since that the custom dataset is different from coco2017, you might tune the learning rate and learning rate decay by yourself.
python train.py --config=res101_custom_config