
One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


“Without music, life would be a blank to me.”― Jane Austen



  • Ban
  • Userinfo
  • Play music
  • Skip songs
  • Stop music
  • Purge text messages


Getting started

First make sure you have all the required tools installed on your local machine then continue with these steps.


# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/huyhoang8398/kn-musique-bot

# Enter into the directory
cd discord-bot/

# Install the dependencies
npm install

Starting the application

node index.js

Current list of available commands

!play URL - play a youtube song with provided URL

!stop - stop all the music

!skip - next song

!purge number- delete the last message in all chats

!userinfo - get information about user

!nowplaying - Get the song that is playing

!help - list all commands

!ban - ban a player

Starting the application using Docker

# Build the image
docker build --tag discordbot .

# Run the image
docker run -d discordbot


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details