# Animation-Controls Example of using aframe-extras animation-mixer component with json model. The example shows how to smoothly transion between different animation states of a character model exported from blender as json. Just hover the reticle over the shiny words to trigger different animation states. View the working example here: [Animation Controls](https://rexraptor08.github.io/animation-controls/) You can learn more about the animation-mixer created by [Don McCurdy](https://github.com/donmccurdy) at this link: [animation-mixer](https://github.com/donmccurdy/aframe-extras/blob/master/src/loaders/README.md). For help on learning how to get a workflow going in blender I found these two tutorials to be quite helpful. [Arturo Paracuellos](https://github.com/arturitu) has a good tutorial on how to export from blender using the THREE exporter plugin. You can find his tutorial here: [Workflow: Animation from Blender to three.js](http://unboring.net/workflows/animation.html). To learn how to create and import animation actions to your character see this great little tutorial: [Creating and Editing Actions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gb152Qncn2s) # Ar_code-test