
Embulk configuration processor for Embulk plugins

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


How to release

See also: https://central.sonatype.org/pages/gradle.html


  1. Create your account on Sonatype OSSRH.
  2. Set your account information in your gradle.properties (usually in ~/.gradle/gradle.properties).
    • ossrhUsername=<your Sonatype OSSRH username>
      ossrhPassword=<your Sonatype OSSRH password>


  1. Create your own OpenPGP key pair.
  2. Set your OpenPGP key information in your gradle.properties.
    • # For example: signing.keyId=1234ABCD
      signing.keyId=<your OpenPGP key ID>
      signing.password=<your OpenPGP key password>
      # For example: signing.secretKeyRingFile=/home/you/.gnupg/1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF12345678.secring.gpg
      signing.secretKeyRingFile=<path to your OpenPGP secret key ring file>


  1. Create a detached HEAD from the master branch.
    • git checkout master
      git checkout --detach
  2. Remove -SNAPSHOT from the version number in build.gradle.
  3. Commit it and tag.
    • git add build.gradle
      git commit -m "Release vX.Y.Z"
      git tag vX.Y.Z
  4. Release.
    • ./gradlew -Dorg.gradle.internal.publish.checksums.insecure=true publishMavenPublicationToMavenCentralRepository
    • -Dorg.gradle.internal.publish.checksums.insecure=true is required due to: https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/OSSRH-56097
  5. Push the tag.
    • git push -u origin vX.Y.Z
  6. Back to master.
    • git checkout master
  7. Continue to the next -SNAPSHOT version.